OLD ARTICLE – Original posted on July 24, 2018 The American-styled short-selling model works on aggressive negative press releases, research and other PR stunts (now apparently including legions of anonymous Twitter accounts) to drive a share price down. Fair is fair, none of these actions are illegal if they disclose their beneficial interest. While this…
Tag: theory
When Does Valuation Matter & When Doesn’t it?
OLD ARTICLE – Original posted on October 5, 2018 Introduction: Fundamentals are what you get but valuation is how much you pay for it. The less you pay for a given set of fundamentals, the more you weight the odds in your favour that the investment will have a positive outcome. Hence, even if fundamentals are…
Tax-Free Savings Accounts: Buy Risk & Sell Time
OLD ARTICLE – Originally posted on June 4, 2019 A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) offers a superb, tax-efficient mechanism to compound long-term investments for South African citizens. In the below example, I use an assumption of 15% CAGR per annum from a basic South African equity investment and assume that you are paying a marginal…
What Do Auditors Do & Not Do?
OLD ARTICLE – Originally posted on June 11, 2019 Following all the local corporate failures, the media and many (ill-informed) investors have savagely turned around and blamed the external auditors. While easy–and very human–to blame someone else like an external auditor for fraud, two things have become quite apparent: Many people do not actually understand what an “external financial…
Forgotten Safeguard: Diversification
OLD ARTICLE – Original posted on April 7, 2016 The global economy is desynchronised with significantly diverging views at both global and country-level. China could implode, Europe could fragment and USA could falter. All of these could happen. And then you get commodity volatility coupled with massive forex swings (up and down)…. If you listen to…
Understanding the “Quality” of Revenue
OLD ARTICLE – Original posted on May 6, 2015 Analysts love to reference the quality of a business’s revenue streams, but what exactly is this “quality”? How does one find “quality” revenue streams? Let me give you a fictitious scenario of Company A and Company B. Both companies are equal in every financial respect, for…